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Septic tank mould core the septic tank template is measured according to
the different components of the septic tank, septic tank mould commonly
used, septic tank template is a diameter of 2 meters, diameter 2.3
meters, that is to say, the septic tank of precast block wall thickness
of 15 cm, in addition to the greater. Septic tank mold, septic tank
template must be used for the production of raw materials, not to add
waste raw materials and the two use of raw materials. Step mold has
become the main mold in the market, because it has all the
characteristics of plastic mold, so what problems should be noticed in
the actual application process? In the use of the above taboo is a
continuous use, because of the wear resistance of the plastic material
itself. In the great world, we can meet each other and have dealings
with each other in business. What is the fate of many years?